Welcome to
The Law Office of
Abdulaziz Al Dughaither

Providing various legal and Sharia consulting

Our Vision

Delivering the rights to their owners as soon as possible, through an integrated team with the utmost legal and legal qualification.

Our Message

Spreading the culture of human rights, and preventing conflicts by knowing each person about his rights and obligations through the court drafting of contracts and agreements, and delivering rights to their owners after the dispute has occurred, which helps the judicial authorities in the country to fully perform their tasks.

Our Services

The office provides everything that falls within the jurisdiction of law firms, and what distinguishes it is the provision of annual consultations to businessmen, individual institutions, public institutions, and companies of all kinds, acting on behalf of others in pleading and advocacy within the Kingdom, concluding reconciliations between parties to the dispute in commercial and personal cases.​

Our Mission

1. Careful selection of qualified and honest consultants.
2. Practicing the profession according to legal and legal principles, with full observance of professional norms with a high level of efficiency.
3. Maintaining the confidentiality of customer information.

Figures and Statistics

More Than 50+ Companies Have Trusted Us For Quality

We are glad to be a part of countless success stories by providing the best quality solutions to our clients.

Our Services

Dispute Resolution​

Holding Mediation between disputing parties in commercial and personal matters, and Arbitration between disputing parties according to the Arbitration Laws of Saudi Arabia.

Dividing Inheritance

The division of inheritance in a fair manner that satisfies all involved parties and enables them to fully obtain their rights.

Banking Issues

Given the expertise of the office in representing others before the courts, we offer legal consulting, drafting memorandums and submit them on the client’s behalf before the Committee of Banking Disputes.

Islamic Banking

The office provides a specialized team in Islamic banking and finance, reviews the products and audits them to ensure their Shaira compliance.

The Proceedings

Representing our clients before courts, writing memos and statement of objections as well as obtaining the executions and appealing of local and international verdicts.

Drafting Contracts

The preparation and drafting of contracts and agreements starting with the preliminary meetings until reaching a suitable form to maintain all rights and prevent future conflicts between the parties.


Our office provides preparation and adoption of internal bylaws, as well as providing legal advice to the business and the employee in labour disputes; we also represent the client before Labour Courts.

Validate Your Service Quality By The Bests In Saudi Arabia

Our special quality team will make sure your software is fit for potential customers. We offer unlimited revisions till you are happy with the quality.

Customer Once, Partnership For Lifetime

We treat our customers as our partners. That helps them explain their ideas fluently and grow their organization to the fullest with the best support.

Articles to read

Our success is when our customers get the chance to exceed their expectations. Check out our latest articels.

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